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【太阳集团tcy8722学术讲座】 Lightweight manufacturing technology


时间: 2021年12月8日(星期三)16:00-17: 00


腾讯会议号:596426193     密码:211208

讲座主题: Lightweight manufacturing technology

主讲人: Prof. Jianguo Lin


Professor Jianguo Lin is the fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng).  He is the head in Mechanics of Materials Division for Department of Mechanical Engineering ofImperial College London. Professor Lin's research experience is in Materials and process modelling, Solid/Computational mechanics and advanced metal forming technologies. He has undertaken projects of the Natural Science Foundation of the UK, the sixth and seventh Framework Funds of the EU and the Fund projects of the British Ministry of Industry and Trade. He has published more than 200 academic papers and made outstanding contributions in advanced metal forming, multi-scale material simulation and other aspects. His research level is leading at home and abroad. He is also the member of Editorial Board of the International Journal of Damage, the member of Int. Advisory Board of European Centre of Excellence in Laser Processing& Advanced Materials Testing and so on.

Jianguo Lin教授,英国皇家工程院院士 (FREng),英国帝国理工学院机械工程系材料力学部主任。长期从事材料与过程建模、固体/计算力学和先进金属成型技术等领域的科研工作,承担了英国自然科学基金项目、欧盟第六、第七框架基金项目和英国工贸部基金项目,发表学术论文200余篇,在先进金属成形、多尺度材料模拟等方面都做出了突出贡献,研究水平处于国际领先。担任了美国国际损伤等多个国际学术杂志编委,以及欧洲激光加工和先进材料测试卓越中心顾问委员会委员。



